Price List
30 minutes
60 minutes
Distance Reiki
- $45
- $65
- $55
Sports Taping
Wrist, Thumb
Elbow, Knee
Both Ankles
- $10
- $15
- $18
- $20
- $25
Massage Relax/Remedial
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
75 minutes
90 minutes
- $55 / 55
- $65 / 70
- $75 / 85
- $90 / 100
- $100 / 115
Within Ballarat
Outside Ballarat <50kms
Outside Ballarat >50kms
- $20
- $40
- $60
20% discount for valid student. senior, and health care card holders.
N.B. Times advertised reflect appointment length and do not reflect the same length of 'hands on' contact for all treatments as some presentations require thorough testing prior to commencing. New clients are advised to allow up to 15 minutes for initial appointments in order for us to discuss your health history and perform a postural assessment.
*Please see our Mobile Services page for more information on which treatments are available, which suburbs we attend, and our conditions of service.